I know I'm about a week late and dollar short, or would it be six dollars since I'm technically six days late. I don't know. But either way, I'm excited because fall is my favorite time of the year. And although it's raining today, it finally feels like fall outside. After, an 80 degree weekend that's quite the relief. Anyway, the lower temperatures today have finally gotten me in the mood to think about some of my fall oriented knitting and sewing goals. Here they are:
As of late, I've had the feeling that I've been knitting a lot, but don't have much to show for it in terms of finished projects. So, my major goal for this fall is to finish the things that I've started. Two things I absolutely want to finish this fall are my Christmas Sweater and my Paul McCartney Magical Mystery Tour Sweater Vest. Both of which have given me tons of trouble. And both of which you will see more of as time and knitting go on.
When I'm done with those two projects I really, really want to try my hand at dyeing my own yarn. I've always heard of people dying their own yarn with Kool Aid. And after finding a tutorial from knitty.com and some videos from Chemknits, it seems something that's totally do-able. I even have a bunch of white Knit Picks Wool of the Andes yarn to experiment with.
When I'm done with those two projects I really, really want to try my hand at dyeing my own yarn. I've always heard of people dying their own yarn with Kool Aid. And after finding a tutorial from knitty.com and some videos from Chemknits, it seems something that's totally do-able. I even have a bunch of white Knit Picks Wool of the Andes yarn to experiment with.
I really want to up my sewing game and transition it from a spring and summer thing to a fall and winter thing as well. I've always wanted to sew a pair of pants and that's one of my main goal for this fall. Being a huge fan of Soul Train, I've been a long admirer of the dancers and their plaid, bell bottom pants. So, when I found the Simplicity 5262 pattern, it was love at first sight. My plan is to also knit myself a matching sweater, after I finish my other projects I just mentioned, of course.
This is truly my favorite time of the year. I love it so much if I were more musically inclined I'd write a love song to it. Maybe I should pledge to work on my guitar skills so I can do that next year.
Anyway, I'm excited to get to work on some of the things I have planned this fall. As always, to be the most up to date with my fall goal progress follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Ravelry.